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1996 to 2010: full-time lawyer and founding partner of Guangdong Wanshang Law Firm 2010 to 2015: full-time lawyer and managing partner, King & Wood Mallesons 2016 to present: full-time lawyer, managing partner, and director of executive committee, V&T Law Firm


China University of Political Science and Law, Bachelor of Law
China University of Political Science and Law, Master's Degree, Economic Law
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, EMBA

Practice Area

Governmental legal affairs
Attorney Zhang was one of the first lawyers to participate in the governmental legal business in Shenzhen. She continues to specialize in this field, and she has accumulated many years of practical experience. Governmental legal affairs has become a core practice area of V&T Law Firm. Attorney Zhang is a permanent legal advisor of the People’s Government of Yantian District; People’s Government of Longgang District; People’s Government of Shenzhen City, Baoan Distr

Language Skills

Chinese and English

Social Activities and Honors
